luni, 29 august 2011

Photoshoot VMS 28.08.2011 - Palatul Stirbey, Buftea







Cateva imagini de la sedinta foto VMS - Palatul Stirbey, 28.08.2011
Drepturi de autor / Copyright VMS & Denisa PASLARU
Fotograf pentru imaginile de mai sus: Denisa PASLARU

sâmbătă, 20 august 2011

luni, 18 iulie 2011

The Aristocats 2011

Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'cause everything else is obsolete.
Now a square with a horn,
can make you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing,
but a cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing.
Who wants to dig
a long-haired gig
or stuff like that?
When everybody wants to be a cat.
A square with that horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he's gonna set this music back
to the Stone Age days.
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at;
while playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat,
'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat.
Everybody digs a swingin' cat.

The aristocats had a photoshoot this weekend. In boiling weather they put up with the pursue of my Nikon and we came up with these fun portraits. Now everybody wants to be a cat! A Shapes cat ;)
Los aristogatos tuvieron una sesión de fotos este fin de semana. En un calor agobiante, ellos soportaron la caza de mí Nikon y en final resultaron estos retratos tan divertidos. Ahora todo el mundo quiere ser un gato! Un gato Shapes ;)

Copyright photos @ Shapes Photography, Denisa PaslaruCopyright soundtrack @ EMI Music
This video has no commercial use. It's created just for displaying my new set of photographs
"The Aristocats 2011"

(pictures taken @ Buftea city, between 15-17th of july 2011)

sâmbătă, 9 iulie 2011

Let me out! ("Somnul ratiunii naste monstrii" - Francisco Goya)

Let me out! ("The sleep of reason brings forth monsters" - Francisco Goya)
Dejame salir! ("El sueño de la razon produce monstruos" - Francisco Goya)

Dupa ce am vazut cateva comentarii de pe Facebook legate de aceste imagini, mi-am dat seama ca ar putea fi necesare cateva explicatii cu privire la tema aleasa (subiectul ales) pentru aceste fotografii. In mintea mea a fost asa: somn = ochi inchisi = intuneric = vis = subconstient = lipsa ratiunii = orice e posibil, inclusiv nasterea unui sentiment de frica, de nesiguranta. Cu toate ca fotografiile in general trebuie sa vorbeasca pentru ele insele datorita faptului ca sunt imagini, asadar mai mult decat necesare pentru a-si face inteles sensul, imi dau seama ca trebuie sa invat sa imi exprim ideile mult mai eficient data viitoare cand imi voi alege un concept precum "ratiunea".
After having seen a few comments on these images on Facebook, I realised that it might be necessary to give a few explanations concerning the theme I chose (the subject) for my photos. Let's see: what was "happening in my head" at the time - sleep = shut eyes = darkness = dreams = lack of reason = all is now possible, including the appearance of emotions like fear or uncertainty. Although photos in general should speak for themselves as they are images, though self-explanatory, I realise that I must learn to express my ideas more efficiently next time I choose a concept like "reason"
Viendo algunos comentarios sobre estas imágenes en Facebook, me di cuenta que estaría necesario dar algunas explicaciones sobre el tema (subjeto) que escogí para mis fotos. Vamos a ver: en mi mente pasaba lo siguente - sueño = ojos cerrados = obscuridad = sueños = falta de razón = todo termina siendo posible, incluso la aparición de sentimientos como el temor o el incertidumbre. Aunque las fotos en general deben hablar por sí mismas, dando el hecho que son imagenes y por eso se explican por sí mismas, he realizado que debo aprender como expresar mis ideas de una forma más eficiente la proxima véz que escoge un concepto como "la razon".

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